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Company DXG LTD.
Country Korea
Products Analysis and laboratory techniques
Environmental monitoring techniques and equipment
Hall E3
Booth E05
Introduction Established in 1989, DXG made a significant stride in 1998 by achieving the localization of high-precision spectroscopic equipment. Leveraging years of experience in optical instrument development and manufacturing, DXG successfully introduced South Korea's inaugural domestic flue gas analyzer.
As a reputable enterprise, DXG specializes in designing and producing gas analyzers and monitoring systems for diverse applications, including power plants, incinerators, petrochemical complexes, and maritime vessels. This distinction has firmly positioned DXG as a premier manufacturer of flue gas analyzers, proudly representing South Korea on the international stage.
Our paramount goal is elevating customer satisfaction through tailored product optimization and a comprehensive suite of services, from precise on-site installation to meticulous maintenance. This unwavering commitment defines DXG as a provider of exceptional solutions.


原位直接测量分析仪表(In-situ Multi Analyzer)
原位直接测量方式为探头和传感器直接插入到管道内部, 无需采样而直接测量管道内部气体浓度的方式. 此方式具有反应速度快, 无需采样, 省去了过滤, 冷凝, 加热等繁琐的过程, 真正实现了在线连续测量.
提取采样分析仪表(Extractive Analyzer)
提取采样方式为从测量区域采样后, 通过加热伴管输送到分析小屋, 经前处理装置去除样气中的杂质后进入分析仪进行测量的方式. 其方式适合采样区域比较难接近或危险的场合, 如烟囱等区域. 采样方式具有对样气处理方式不同, 可选择不同的前处理装置. 其特点为前处理装置去除样气杂质, 再有分析仪安置在较舒适的环境, 所以可测量最佳状态的样气
适用于高湿度环境,等速采样防止采样误差和有效的蒸发样气中的水分以实现准确度.利用前向光散射原理, 可测量低至 0.05 mg/m³的浓度.

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